Migration to Microsoft
Find out why a migration to Microsoft Dynamics 365 makes sense and how a cloud project might look like based on our best practices.
Sep 27, 2023 by Juliane Waack
Not every day at work is a happy day, so, what are small but effective steps to relieve stress and increase your overall well-being?
Sep 20, 2023 by Juliane Waack
What are current trends & topics that impact and drive Cyber Security technology & measures in 2023 and beyond? Our expert Deniz Tourgout has the answers.
Sep 13, 2023 by Juliane Waack
We collected some interesting studies about artificial intelligence, generative AI, machine learning and how companies are using them.
Sep 6, 2023 by Juliane Waack
Why are some people so resistant to change and what can a company do to increase acceptance and gain their stakeholders' trust?